Last update: 10/19/2003 |
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May 2003 Issue #98
Religious Right Agenda in Legislature
Religious Right Agenda in Congress
Religious Right Berate Republicans For "Pandering" To Gays
Sen. Santorum’s comments about the U.S. Supreme Court’s consideration of Texas’ law barring homosexual sodomy sparked outrage from all quarters. While some called for him to apologize or resign his position as the third-ranking Republican in the Senate, the religious right directed its anger at Republican leaders for failing to come to Santorum’s support quickly. They called this one more sign that the White House and Congress are “pandering to the homosexual lobby” and the Republican Party is abandoning its “family values” stance and trying to become more “gay friendly.”
Religious right groups had criticized Republican National Committee chairman Marc Racicot for meeting privately in March with 300 leaders of the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that works to advance gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equal rights. It was, they assert, the first time that an RNC chairman met with a gay rights group. They lamented that it sent a message that the GOP supports the gay rights agenda, which, they allege, wants to redefine marriage and family out of existence.
Religious right groups have assailed the Bush administration for months for “courting homosexual activists,” primarily by appointing openly gay individuals to Administration posts. In January, the American Family Association accused the Bush Administration of having a “blind spot” on “the homosexual movement.” They have also aimed their criticism at Congress, citing its approval of domestic partnership benefits for government employees in the District of Columbia and Sen. Hatch's promise to help pass Kennedy's "hate crimes" legislation.
Last week, Racicot met with 11 religious right leaders at GOP headquarters to discuss their concerns. According to Concerned Women for America, Racicot, in explaining the HRC meeting, said that he meets with everyone but he confessed to some naivete that the meeting would legitimize the HRC. The attendees asserted their opposition to issues supported by the HRC and others. Some leaders demanded “a clear, strong, unequivocal statement” from the GOP that homosexuality is immoral and warned that many pro-family voters would not vote in elections if the GOP continued drifting towards “homosexual activism.”
Updates: Army Chaplain's Baptizing and Tech Biology Professor
Last month, we reported that the U.S. Army’s Chaplain Corps was investigating whether an army chaplain had been offering unwashed American soldiers in Iraq access to a pool if they agreed to be baptized. According to the Houston Chronicle, the Army has determined that the chaplain did not coerce any soldiers into baptism. It also denies that soldiers had no other sources of water for hygiene.
After a Texas Tech University biology professor revised his web site, the U.S. Department of Justice closed its inquiry into whether he had engaged in religious discrimination by declining to write graduate school recommendations for biomedical science students who do not believe in evolution. Michael Dini’s web site formerly questioned how one who denies evolution, which he called “the most important theory in biology,” can practice in a field heavily based on biology. It now states that students must be able to give a scientific answer to the origin of human species, not that they must believe in evolution. It also states that the criterion should not be misconstrued as discriminatory against anyone's personal beliefs, but is meant to ensure that a student uses scientific thinking to answer scientific questions. A university official said the university did not ask Dini to change his web site or policy and that he had only clarified, not changed, his policy. The Liberty Legal Institute, the religious right legal group that filed the complaint, claimed “complete victory.”
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