
December 2002 Issue #93
“Fan Mail" Shows Why We Must Persevere
Did the religious right’s apparent influence in the election discourage you?
Have you been wondering why you should bother opposing them? The following
message sent to Let Freedom Ring shows why we
cannot give up our fight to preserve separation of church and state,
individual liberty, and freedom of expression. These are the cherished
values that have made this nation so great. We who care about our country
must not let our elected officials or our fellow citizens forget that.
We—liberals, moderates, conservatives, of all political persuasions—must
continue calling on our elected officials to reject the religious right’s
agenda and its message of intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and exclusion.
"Way to Go and keep it up! "Right Rules" The Right is the way to go a
message from the majority of Americans, we the Christian Americans. I love
to see a web site like yours because it means we are getting under your
skin. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves stealing the title to Sean
Hannity's book, which you should read you might learn something, and then
name your web site with it. Nice try, America has lost all respect in what
the liberals believe in. What am I talking about? Liberals don't believe.
Liberals beliefs and values are NIL. Please leave our country and go live
some place where you are wanted like Iran or China then you will see that
taking America for granted is the wrong thing to do. Please visit Arlington
National Cemetery and see how many Christians died for this country, almost
98 %. Count the crosses on the tombstones. I will continue to pray for you
all. God does love you very much."
What Can I Do?
You can help Let Freedom Ring’s
efforts by giving your time, your money, your
information, and your voice. The challenges ahead are great.
Please become a member (or give a membership to the person who
has everything), send us your e-mail address if you want to get
action alerts by e-mail, share with us information about the
religious right or about efforts to stop them, and volunteer to
help our education and advocacy efforts.
Gearing Up Over School Vouchers
Tom Craddick, who will be the
speaker of the Texas House, told the Houston Chronicle that the legislature
will likely create pilot voucher programs and he would like to see one in
Harris County. The Coalition for Public Schools (CPS) is preparing to again
lead the opposition to vouchers.
Carolyn Boyle, who has led the CPS since 1995, says that personal contacts
with legislators have been crucial to stopping vouchers in the past few
sessions. According to Boyle, calls to legislators are especially critical
when floor amendments are attached to other bills at the last minute.
The CPS needs grassroots activists to meet with their legislators in their
home district or Austin, call the Capitol, send letters, and encourage
others to do the same. Among new house members being contacted are Larry
Taylor, Dist. 24, Friendswood (northern Brazoria and western Galveston
counties), Glenn Hegar, Dist. 28, Katy (Wharton, Waller, and western Fort
Bend counties), Glenda Dawson, Dist. 29, Pearland (Matagorda County and
northern Brazoria County), Wayne Smith, Dist. 128, Baytown (plus LaPorte and
Goose Creek ISD), and Martha Wong, Dist. 134, Houston. If you will meet with
these legislators or otherwise participate in this campaign, please contact
Let Freedom Ring.
Meanwhile, the Bush Administration is funding a media campaign targeting
black parents and leaders by the Black Alliance for Educational Options, a
vouchers group created by the far-right Bradley Foundation, The Black
Commentator reported. The education undersecretary announcing the $600,000
grant said, "We want to change the conversation about parental choice by
positively influencing individuals who are resisting parental choice options
and get them to reconsider their outlook."
Alabama Ten Commandments Monument
Held Unconstitutional
A federal judge has ruled
that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore violated the First
Amendment when he placed a monument engraved with the Ten Commandments and
other references to God in the state judicial building’s rotunda. The
opinion said it is not improper in all instances to display the Ten
Commandments in government buildings but the nonsecular purpose of Moore’s
monument was self-evident by his words at the unveiling ceremony and the
trial and by its appearance. Further, the monument, viewed alone or in the
context of its history (Moore campaigned as the “Ten Commandments judge” and
installed the monument to fulfill a campaign promise to "restore the moral
foundation of law"), physical characteristics, and location has the primary
effect of endorsing religion.
The opinion also noted that Coral Ridge Ministries, a religious right media
outlet, was the only media outlet to record the monument’s placement, has
used this lawsuit to raise money, and is paying Moore’s legal fees. “(T)he
monument can be viewed as a joint venture between the Chief Justice and
Coral Ridge, as both parties have a direct interest in its continued
presence in the rotunda” and “it could be argued that Coral Ridge's
religious activity is being sponsored and financially supported by the Chief
Justice's installation of the monument as a government official.” Moore vows
to appeal.
Education Board Approves Textbooks
The State Board of
Education voted 14-1 to approve social studies textbooks. The dissenter,
Republican Dan Montgomery, accused the board of being “intent on driving
content” in violation of state law placing content decisions at the local
level. Other board members pointed out that they had ordered no changes and
had left it up to the publishers to work out differences with anyone that
sought revisions.
Quote of the
"This is the window that we have, and we need to do everything
we can to advance life and really bring God into the marketplace
and the political arena. Only Christians can do that."
Sandy Rios, president, Concerned Women for America, 11-6-02.
Let Freedom Ring
news is published monthly.
Send news items &
details of events to:
Let Freedom Ring
P.O. Box 55084,
Houston, TX
5th of every
$25 / individual
or $35 / family membership.
More information:
Web Site:
letfreedomringtx.tripod.com |