
January 2003 Issue #94
Judge Awards Damages In Beaumont
Clergy In Schools Case
judge who ruled last summer that Beaumont I.S.D.’s Clergy in the Schools
counseling program was unconstitutional (see September 2002 Let Freedom Ring
News) has ordered the school district to pay the plaintiffs more than
$200,000 for their attorney’s fees and costs. Scott Newar, the plaintiffs’
lawyer, said the judge awarded essentially everything he had asked for since
the lawsuit had not sought compensatory damages.
The district has appealed the case to the Fifth Circuit. The Beaumont
Enterprise called on the district to drop this “pointless face-saving
President Bush Acts To
Implement Charitable Choice
Pres. Bush has continued using his executive powers to implement key
elements of his faith-based initiative. Last month, he announced several
actions to stop “discrimination against faith-based groups” by executive
branch agencies.
Bush signed an executive order directing specified federal agencies to
ensure that their policies governing federal financial assistance for
nongovernmental social service programs are consistent with “equal
protection” principles. Among the enumerated principles were that neither
organizations seeking assistance nor beneficiaries or potential
beneficiaries of the programs should be discriminated against based on
religion. The order requires that organizations that engage in “inherently
religious activities,” such as worship, religious instruction, and
proselytization, separate those activities in time and location from
federally supported services and not compel participation in them by
potential beneficiaries. Additionally, organizations may retain their
religious identity, including displaying religious symbols and selecting
board members on a religious basis, and may take their faith into account in
employment decisions, provided that they do not use direct federal financial
assistance to support any inherently religious activities.
Another executive order establishes Centers for Faith-Based and Community
Initiatives at the Department of Agriculture and the Agency for
International Development. The centers are directed to take steps to
identify and remove all “barriers to the participation of faith-based and
other community organizations in the delivery of social services by the
agency” and to increase those groups’ participation in federal, state and
local initiatives. They join existing centers at the Departments of
Education, Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban
The President ordered FEMA to revise its policy on disaster relief to allow
religious nonprofit groups to qualify for such aid. The White House issued a
guidebook explaining how faith-based groups can qualify for government
Bush's speech announcing these actions, the executive orders, and a White
House fact sheet on them are at
Bush Faith-Based Plan Has Failed In Texas,
Texas Group Warns
In a new report, The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund asserts that Pres.
Bush’s faith-based initiative in Texas has “proven to be a treacherous
enterprise for houses of worship, taxpayers, and people in need,” yet he is
pursuing the same model at the national level. The report is entitled The
Texas Faith-Based Initiative at Five Years: Warning Signs as President Bush
Expands Texas-Style Program to National Level. It reviews the 1996
federal law that began the charitable choice movement, actions taken in
Texas to promote charitable choice, and the impact of licensing and
regulation changes.
The report cites measures Bush has taken at both state and national levels,
including “diverting public funds to religious social service programs while
simultaneously loosening regulations over faith-based providers;” creating
faith-based offices or liaisons in key agencies to review agency policies,
identify perceived regulatory barriers, and increase faith-based
partnerships; and promoting his program through both regulatory and
legislative means. It concluded, “After five years of aggressively
implementing the Bush-led Faith-Based Initiative in Texas, positive results
have proven impossible to document or measure. Evidence points instead to a
system that is unregulated, prone to favoritism and co-mingling of funds,
and even dangerous to the very people it is supposed to serve.” The Texas
record shows, it contends, that “loosening regulations over faith-based
providers has not served the faith community at large, but has instead
provided a refuge for facilities with a history of regulatory violations, a
theological objection to state oversight and a higher rate of abuse and
neglect,” “has endangered people in need and lowered standards of client
health, safety and quality of care” by exempting some providers from state
licensing requirements, and “has allowed physical diseases” like alcohol and
drug addiction “to go medically untreated.” The report charges further that
“regulatory changes have resulted in preferential treatment of faith-based
providers in government contracting opportunities, taxpayer funds have been
co-mingled with church funds and spent on overtly religious activities, and
clients have been ordered by the courts to attend unlicensed faith-based
The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund “supports research and education
efforts in support of religious freedom and individual liberties.” Its
report is available online at
Texas Lawsuit Challenging Charitable
Choice Law Ends
A Texas lawsuit believed to the first constitutional challenge to a
“charitable choice” contract and the statute authorizing such contracts has
ended without a ruling on the statute’s constitutionality. The American
Jewish Congress and the Texas Civil Rights Project filed the suit over a
job-training program run by the Jobs Partnership of Washington County in
Brenham. They alleged that “Protestant evangelical Christianity permeates”
the program and proselytizing played a major role. The president of Jobs
Partnership acknowledged that religion played a major role in its program.
The plaintiffs asked the court to declare the contract unconstitutional,
order Jobs Partnership to repay funds received under the contract, prohibit
any further payment of tax dollars to the group, and prohibit the state from
entering into other programs that “promote religious doctrine or engage in
religious discrimination in employment.” They also asked the court to
invalidate the federal charitable choice law, which the state invoked to
justify its program.
The lawsuit went back and forth between federal and state courts and up on
appeal twice. Finally, according to the American Jewish Congress, it was
dismissed on the ground that there was no live controversy. The Jobs
Partnership’s contract had expired and there was no showing that it would
ever again contract with the state. No damages were awarded. The Liberty
Legal Institute, the legal division of Texas’ Free Market Foundation,
represented Jobs Partnership in the lawsuit.
Most Americans Believe
First Amendment "Goes Too Far" Says Poll
Forty-nine percent of all Americans agreed that "the First Amendment goes
too far in the rights that it guarantees" in a survey conducted last fall by
the First Amendment Center. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3
percentage points. The result is up from 39% in a poll the center conducted
in 2001 before the terrorist attacks and more than double the 22% who agreed
with it 2000.
Quote of the
" The notion of separating church and state with such policies
as disallowing prayer in public schools is a deception from
Satan. If God is in fact separated from the government, then we
can never possibly have a godly government. There's no way for
America to be good if she's not godly. "
Joyce Meyer, president of Joyce Meyer Ministries, cosponsor of
Christian Coalition’s 2002 Road to Victory conference, at the
conference, Oct. 2002.
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